We unlock the power of nature AustroCel Sustainability Programm
For AustroCel Hallein, sustainability is not just a slogan followed by half-hearted action. Our understanding is comprehensive: it balances the interests of the environment, people and the economy.
01 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other airborne pollutants as well as ensuring the efficient use of energy
AustroCel is fully committed to reducing greenhouse gases and air pollutants by taking a holistic view of the carbon footprint and using energy sparingly, while continuously increasing our efficiency through measures and certifications.
We closely monitor our CO2 footprint, from raw materials and suppliers to the mobility of our employees and transportation routes. Our philosophy is characterized by efficiency and resource saving in the use of energy. This includes measures such as plant optimization, targeted shutdowns of power systems and the use of efficient lighting systems.
02 Quality, water, withdrawals and use
At AustroCel, water is a key production factor: we secure our fresh water supply thanks to our location in a water-rich area and continuously optimize our wastewater treatment.
Water is not only required as process and cooling water, but also as an energy source in the form of steam. Pure fresh water is indispensable, especially for the production of high-grade chemical pulp.
Our geographical location in an area with ample water ensures a continuous supply of fresh water. At the same time, we have undertaken considerable efforts to continuously improve our treatment of waste water. The two-step wastewater treatment plant complies with state-of-the-art European European standards and is one of the largest such plants in Austria.
Another important aspect is the integration of the waste water treatment plant into the company’s energy cycles. Up to three quarters of the wastewater burden is converted to produce biogas. This enables us to supply numerous local households with green electricity and district heating. The sewage sludge accumulated is also incinerated as a source of energy.
03 Circular economy
AustroCel is committed to the circular economy and cascading wood utilisation by converting pulp residues into valuable products and acting as a role model for sustainable industrial processes through innovative partnerships and the largest wood-based bioethanol plant.
The aim is to favour material recycling over thermal recycling and to gradually close the loop. The key to this is the conversion of waste materials from the pulp industry into valuable materials for other areas. Through co-operation between research & development and production, ways of reducing resources are continuously being researched. Innovative solutions are developed and implemented in co-operation with external partners.
One outstanding example is the construction of the largest wood-based bioethanol plant, which represents a significant milestone to the aim. Circular economy is one of our most important core competences, a key driver for the future development of the company and therefore the centre of every project.
We are a biorefinery that converts biological waste into new products. In doing so, we utilise the full potential to work in a resource-saving manner and close cycles. The aim is to be a role model for sustainable industrial processes. With specialist knowledge and expertise, our employees make a decisive contribution to the successful development of new solutions.
04 Sustainable procurement
Our sustainable procurement combines safety, profitability, environmental awareness and social responsibility by sourcing wood from sustainably managed forests, thereby supporting ecological diversity and the local economy.
It is for this reasson that our procurement strategy is based on four cornerstones: security, profitability, sustainability, people and culture. The integration of these cornerstones enables us to develop a holistic procurement strategy which promotes both environmental and social goals. The main inputs in our production are wood and caustic soda, which account for around 75% of AustroCel’s procurement volume.
We source wood from near-natural, sustainably managed forests. Around 85% of our wood for production purposes is fully PEFC-certified and we source this within a range of around 190 kilometres in order to minimise transportation and support the local economy. We avoid wood from primeval as well as protected or endangered forests in order to protect biodiversity.
These approach also offers long-term commercial advantages. By means of sustainable procurement, we can mitigate reputation
and compliance risks as well as optimise our operating costs. This enables us to ensure that our business activities are both ethically and environmentally justifiable and at the same time promote our company’s long-term success.
05 Occupational health and process safety
Safety and the concept of Safety First are also among the top priorities within the corporate strategy of AustroCel. Occupational safety focuses on the goal of our employees returning home healthy and unharmed in the same condition as they came to work in the morning.
At AustroCel, this means not only complying with legal requirements but also every single individual taking responsibility for themselves and their colleagues.
This responsibility extends from Management, represented by the CEO and COO, to every individual employee. Our safety organisation covers all levels and ensures outstanding safety standards at our company.
A safe working environment creates not only a better but also more efficient working conditions. The focus of our managers here is always firmly on our employees and their health.
06 Stable employment, education and training
AustroCel attaches great importance to stable employment relationships and extensive training and further education opportunities in order to attract highly qualified specialists, promote their satisfaction and retain them in the long term.
The issues of stable employment as well as education and training covers various aspects relevant to the working environment and development opportunities at AustroCel. The main aspects include:
- Secure jobs due to a profitable and “green” corporate strategy
- Promoting satisfaction among employees by means if high safety standards and healthy working conditions, including flexitime options and a five-shift model
- Diverse educational and promotion opportunities, including a qualification matrix, a skill model for the timber yard and a leadership development program as well as qualification and trainee programmes
Investing in education and training enables us to attract and retain highly qualified managers and specialists. Various training programmes promote personal development of employees and strengthen their loyalty to the company.
This is also increasingly communicated both in-house and externally, for example via social media, company presentations, school career fairs and regional events.
Employees are regularly informed about company news by means of town hall meetings, internal newsletters and notices. Work anniversaries are celebrated in the course of a company event and milestone birthdays with a breakfast together.
07 Healthy and safe products
Safety is at the heart of our corporate strategy – a value we not only claim internally but one that we uphold in all our products delivered to our customers.
Our aim is to establish stable customer relationships and we are convinced that trust forms the basis here.
We create this trust by providing consistently reliable quality, transparent processes and partnership-oriented communication.
Our goal is to be a dependable supplier. This means that our customers must be able rely 100% on the quality and safety of the products we supply.
08 Compliance
Compliance and ethically correct behaviour serve as the cornerstones of all our business activities. We comply strictly with legal requirements and internal rules, particularly our Code of Conduct, which acts as a core policy document.
We also expect our suppliers to adhere to the Code of Conduct for suppliers, which ensures environmental and social responsibility
is accepted along their supply chains. Ethical behaviour, such as honesty, fairness, transparency and mutual respect, form the basis of our business relationships, both internally and externally. Our Compliance Management team provides a framework for autonomous action and supports our employees in complying with these standards.
Compliance acts as a means of avoiding risks and preventing damage, and also protects the company, Management and employees from liability as well as associated financial claims and loss of reputation. Furthermore, compliance also increases levels of trust in the company, our competitiveness, commercial success and the appeal of the company to employees and business partners.These are key factors in safeguarding long-term stable employment.
In addition, we are firmly committed to the ESG goals and accept responsibility beyond our own business activities.
09 Economic performance and governance
Our economic success is based on safety, profitability, sustainability, people and culture, whereby we set clear priorities and take a systemic approach to promoting growth and integration.
Our economic performance is based on four pillars:
- Savety
Safety has been defined as a top-level value at the company and one which clearly defines the conduct and courses of action available to everyone involved. We analyse all safety-relevant investments and implement these based on a priority system. We also apply a systemic approach (asset integrity strategy) in order to improve our asset base and ensure that process and safety-related risks are minimised. - Profitability by focusing on gross margin
Accelerated change from a premium-quality but endangered mass producer to a diversified speciality cellulose manufacturer and a biorefinery with a clear focus on gross margins and complexity. - Sustainability
Transition from an initiative-based to a strategic approach taking into account the transformation or diversification of the existing business model to establish a circular model. Transparency, facts and no greenwashing. - People and Culture
People and culture contribute to competitiveness. This is why our value system is regularly further developed to reflect social changes and requirements. We will support people from other regions to work at our company (nationally and internationally, men and women).