Compliance goes far beyond acting in accordance with legal principles. It is an expression of a culture of tolerance and integrity in interpersonal interaction. AustroCel stands for acting according to ethical principles. This applies to the interactions of managers and employees within the company as well as to the contact with customers, business partners and authorities.
Lawful and ethical conduct is an integral part of our business activities. The integrity of each individual is indispensable and a central prerequisite for sustainable business success. Compliance is implemented by a clear commitment to conduct with integrity by the management as well as the lived responsibility of all employees.
AustroCel stands for sustainability and rejects any form of misconduct. Violations of applicable law or internal regulations are not accepted. Any form of corruption, cartelisation, discrimination or other economic crime by employees is strictly rejected.
This attitude is expressed through a set of internal guidelines that serve as orientation. Our Code of Conduct conveys the most important principles and expectations for acting lawfully, with integrity and in a sustainable manner at AustroCel.
Reporting misconduct
Violations of rules and laws by our employees result in financial damage and jeopardize our reputation with the public and government agencies. Help us uncover and remedy violations and grievances as early as possible.
As an employee or business partner, you can report suspected criminal offences or serious violations of the rules to us with a tip-off – completely anonymously if desired. You will always be protected. It is not possible to trace the report back to you, provided you do not provide any data that could be used to draw conclusions about your person.
ATTENTION: The whistleblower system may not be used for deliberately false or libelous information.
Reports of general dissatisfaction with AustroCel, complaints about our products and the like cannot be reported via the whistleblower platform and can therefore be rejected.
For these concerns, please contact your account manager or get in contact with us.